Tuesday, March 15, 2011


iso 100  f 2.7 1/13
iso 100  f 6.3  1/5

iso 100 f 2.7 1/13

is 200 f 7.1  1/ 5 (this one is my favorite)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

flowers... i love flowers.... :)

iso 200
m 1/20   f 3.2

iso 200 
m 1/20 f 3.2

iso 400 
m 1/13 f 3.2

iso 400 
m 1/13   f 3.2

iso 400
m 1/13 f 3.2
m 1/80 iso 400
f 3.5

iso 400
m 1/100 f 3.5

Sunday, February 20, 2011


iso 50 f 5.0

f 5.0 iso 100

iso 100 f 3.2

iso 100 f 3.2

iso 100 f3.2  

Sunday, January 30, 2011


not the most exciting shoot. Also, not really sure what is expected for this assignment.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Portrait Work #2

ISO 200
f 8.0   1/125 
ISO 200
f8.0     1/125

f8.0     1/125

ISO 50
f8.0     1/125

Friday, October 8, 2010

photography class - photos taken October 6th in studio

ok. I don't have my ISO, aperature, etc becuase i borrowed a school camera. dumb. but hey, here they are.